[Ponte Alto] Ride share/carpool to Pennsic

cunian at citlink.net cunian at citlink.net
Mon Jul 26 07:55:03 PDT 2010

My, does Lucas get to be a duke now?  Kirrick's lady generously made a couple new Ponte Alto tabards, and gave them and his to me to take up to Pennsic, so I've got one for Ben.  (Ben, you can use it for garb in a pinch too - they are pretty large and enveloping.)


----- Original Message -----
From: guylestran at aol.com
To: ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 9:47:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Ride share/carpool to Pennsic


Has Lucan gotten you a Ponte Alto Surcoat? 

Sir Guy 

"Remember, you are not managing an inconvenience; You are raising a human being" 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ben Spingarn <spingabj at gmail.com> 
To: The Barony of Ponte Alto <ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org> 
Sent: Mon, Jul 26, 2010 1:28 am 
Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Ride share/carpool to Pennsic 

Greetings Mark, 

I'm a newbie ponte alto fighter heading up to Pennsic for the first time on your basic timeline. I'm planning on leaving Friday night, heading back Tuesday afternoon or evening. My car can only transport one person's gear, but I'd be happy to contribute toll/gas money. I have only a cooler, little tent, loaner armour (no box for it yet) and the tiniest amount of garb. 

Let me know if you're interested in carpooling afterall? 


On Jul 25, 2010, at 7:02 PM, "Mark Roz" < mbox02 at interamotion.com > wrote: 

> Greetings All, 
> I live in Reston VA, and hoping to set up, or join, a carpool going > to Pennsic. I prefer to leave on the Friday Aug 6, and returning > Aug 9 or 10th. 
> I have a car but not particularly fond of driving such long > distances, so I’m looking to either find a few more Pennsic’ers > to either share the driving and cost in my car, or to join someone e> lse’s car to share their fuel cost. 
> If it comes down to driving by myself, I will probably not be going > at all. So I’m hoping someone will reply! J 
> Cheers all, 
> Mark 
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