[Ponte Alto] Notes from the Seneschal

Robert Capozello afpopa at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 08:08:37 PDT 2010

Greetings everyone.
There are a few items I want to mention.
1.  This month's Baronial Business Meeting will be held in the undercroft of the church, rather than in our usual rooms in the adjacent school building.  There are stairs leading down to the undercroft of the church directly from the parking lot.
2.  All officers please make sure you have your quarterly reports submitted on time, if you have not done so already.
3.  This month's meeting is the deadline for submitting Letters of Intent/Introduction for all those wishing to run for Baron and/or Baroness.  If possible, please submit a copy of your letter to me prior to the meeting (via email, preferably) so that we can more easily get them incorporated into the Il Tempo.
4.  Speaking of the B&B, one change that was announced during Curia at Assessments this past weekend dealt with the length of terms for B&B.  As of its being published in the September Acorn, the initial term for B&B will be extended to three (3) years from its current length of two (2) years.  There will still be the option for two one-year extensions after the initial three year term is completed.
Thank you for you attention, and I hope to see many of you next Sunday, the 25th.

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