[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Novice Tourney

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 9 08:30:39 PDT 2010

FYI - for anyone wishing to participate in this tourney, below are the rules and here is a new one - from 

"all fighters must have their armour officially 
Pennsic inspected and show their helm sticker in order to sign up at the
 list table.  There will be no inspections at the list table as in 
previous years.   Please allow time for this when coming to the field or
 take care of it prior to the day."

Middle Saturday (Aug 7th) 


Green List


This is a tourney for Novice fighters. The format will be a Shark Pool 
style with some of the top fighters moving on to further rounds. Details
 will be determined on the day of the Tourney depending on the number of
 fighters that show up. 

For the purposes of this tourney, Novice is classified as: 

-Any authorized fighter whose PRIMARY authorization
 date falls within two years to the day of the Tourney, INCLUDING time spent authorized in 
Youth Rattan Combat. 

-Is not a member of the Chivalry

-Is not a Peer by right of Arms by their own hand



Katharine Devereaux

Baroness of Ponte Alto

Kingdom of Atlantia

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail.
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