[Ponte Alto] St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath, Saturday, March 13

Matthew Torsky brenainn.macshuibne at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 16:25:06 PST 2010

Once again the time has come for the Bloodbath.  Come and join the Barony of
Ponte Alto as our fighters shake off the winters cold and begin preparing
for war.  This year we will have heavy and rapier fighting.  The tournaments
will be a bear pit format.  There is a change from the schedule listed in
the Acorn.  There will not be Youth Combat this year.

Their Excellencies of Ponte Alto will also take this opportunity to select
their new heavy and rapier champions.


*Event Schedule:*
9:00 Troll opens

10:00 Authorizations begin

11:00 Bear Pit Tourney (Rapier and Heavy)

12:30 Lunch break

1:30 Bear Pit Tourney resumes

5:00 Site Closes

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Lord Brénainn MacShuibne
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