[Ponte Alto] Storvik's Performer's Revel is a GO!!!

Grey Goose ggoose1 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 14:09:52 PST 2010

Word comes forth from frozen northern Atlantia.  Snow may be drifted above
our heads, but the industrious servants of the realm have managed to clear
many roads and it is possible to travel to Caer Bear, the site for
Performer's Revel!

Car pooling is encouraged as there is only limited parking available.  But
do not fear - arrive at the site, off load your belongings, and a shuttle
has been arranged to take you back and forth to a local shopping center. If
there is a need, you can crash at the site - please bring a sleeping bag and
let us know.

Master Igor is even now beginning the feast preparations. Stories, songs,
and other performances are being readied.  Her Excellency Baroness Janina is
eagerly awaiting the chance to select the new Baronial Bardic Champion.  If
you have not as yet pre-registered, please let us know IMMEDIATELY if you
intent to attend (301)704-0717.

Take care, stay warm and travel safely!

In Service
Janina Autocrat Storvik's Performer' Revel
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