[Ponte Alto] Area fighter practices, and a few other questions...

Andy adhoeffler at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 26 08:02:22 PDT 2010


Welcome to Ponte Alto!  Where in Alexandria do you live?


-----Original Message-----
From: ponte-alto-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
[mailto:ponte-alto-bounces at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org] On Behalf Of B K
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 10:09 AM
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Area fighter practices, and a few other questions...


I am a new resident to the Barony, and to the Kingdom. I am a former
resident of the Barony of Nordskogen in the Kingdom of Northshield,
and arrived here after a brief visit to the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.

I am looking for more information on local fighter practices. I am
familiar with the Barony's Sunday and Thursday practices, and I am
hoping to find a 3rd practice to attend during the week. I live in
Alexandria, but don't mind a longer travel time for a quality

In addition to heavy fighting, I enjoy blacksmithing and a bit of
armoring. Somewhat sadly my move to Alexandria has also meant a return
to apartment living. So given a lack of my own workshop area, I am
looking for anyone that has open shop nights or that sort of thing. I
also enjoy leather crafting and brewing, luckily apartment life will
not be hampering those activities.

Sort of related to workshop space. While my pavilion survived my
recent move, the poles did not. So, sometime before camping season has
come and gone I need to take an afternoon and make tent poles again.
So, again, I am wondering if anyone has workspace they would be
willing to share with a new arrival so I can work on this project.

I would like to thank everyone I have met so far for making me feel
welcome, both at practice and at the business meeting this weekend. I
look forward to meeting more of my new SCA neighbors soon.

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