[Ponte Alto] Chalice request for help

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 16 07:08:11 PDT 2009

Hi Brighid!

No worries.  There is plenty of room in the cabins.  We'll figure it out.  Just register with the Celia when you get there Friday :-)

Marcellus is helping coordinate setup Friday, as he will be there much earlier than I can.  Setup is scheduled for 5 p.m., but we can access the site earlier.  You know the drill ;-)

Looking forward to seeing you Friday, and thank you very much!


> Hi
> Bel,
> Ok... so the baby has come and I will be at Chalice. 
> My plan is to come Friday night with all of the archery
> stuff I have and set it all up. Baron Janthos is bringing
> archery targets also, but I don't know when he's
> coming.
> I plan on staying the night Friday and possibly Saturday
> but I didn't pre-register since I didn't know what
> was going on w/the baby.  Is there room in the staff
> cabins?  I'd appreciate it.
> Brigid

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