[Ponte Alto] Website Calendar

dcadenise at aol.com dcadenise at aol.com
Wed May 27 11:33:33 PDT 2009


I am amazed

Love your enthusiasm

Countess Denise
Baronial Seneschal


-----Original Message-----
From: Rachael Storey <rmstorey at gmail.com>
To: ponte-alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org
Sent: Wed, 27 May 2009 2:25 pm
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Website Calendar

Greetings all,

Some of you have heard by now (those of you who were at the last
business meeting definitely have!), I have taken over the position of
Webminister for Ponte Alto.  For those of you who haven't met me yet,
I am Giovanna Rossellini da Firenze (mka Rachael Storey).  I am
currently living in Wheaton, MD, but I have just rented a townhouse in
Herndon with my roommate, Bevin an Broc Drannach (mka Kristin Moran),
and I will be finished moving into it by the end of June.

I have a number of things planned for the website (Cassandra said I
could!), but I've already rolled out my first change, which was to set
up our calendar to be database-driven.  Visitors to the Calendar page
on the website are now able to scroll backwards and forwards through
the months and see what events have already happened and what is
coming up.  This makes things easier for anyone visiting, since they
can look forward to plan their upcoming schedule, and it makes things
easier for me, since I don't have to update the entire calendar in one
big swoop each month.  :)

So please take a look and ooh and ahh and be amazed and all that good
stuff.  Also, while I've tested the system pretty thoroughly, there's
almost always unpredicted issues, so if you notice anything that looks
funny (aside from the lack of events outside of May... I'm working on
that next!), please email me and let me know!

Ponte-Alto mailing list
Ponte-Alto at seahorse.atlantia.sca.org


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