[Ponte Alto] Menu for Defending the Gate (March 28, 2009)

Shalandara at aol.com Shalandara at aol.com
Fri Mar 6 06:31:33 PST 2009

Oyez! Oyez!  Here is the preliminary menu for Defending the Gate,  which will 
be held at the end of this month in the Canton of Sudentorre.   If you have 
any questions about ingredients or the nature of the dishes, please  contact me 
off list.  If you need more information on the event itself,  please contact 
the autocrat, Baroness Cairistiona de Coueran (_garadh at verizon.net_ 
(mailto:garadh at verizon.net) ), or peruse the website  
(_http://sudentorre.atlantia.sca.org/dtg8.php_ (http://sudentorre.atlantia.sca.org/dtg8.php) ).
Please note that this is a preliminary menu, and is still subject to change  
due to market availability and other factors.  Feast is limited to 80  seats.  
See the Acorn or the event flyer for information on  registering.
1st Course:
Butters, Cheeses, Breads, Dried Fruits
2nd Course:
Grene Pesen (a dish of Green Peas)
Fenkel in Soppes (a  dish of Fennel)
Frumente (a dish of Barley)
Yrchouns (a dish of game  meat)
Roast Pork w/ sauces
3rd Course:
Rapes in Potage (a dish of turnips)
Salat (a dish of  salad greens)
Ris (a dish of saffron rice)
Haricot (a dish of  Lamb)
Tarts (a dish of beef pies)
4th Course:
Desserts to be decided still
In service to  my Crown, my Barony, and my Canton
Lady Elizabeth of Hadley Hall
(mka  Elizabeth Ernst)
Lozengy Or and Vert a Chief Sable
Canton of Sudentorre,  Barony of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia
Head Cook for Defending the Gate VIII
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