[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Registraton

D. Irwin dwatsonirwin at cox.net
Mon Jan 26 09:35:25 PST 2009

Hi Marlin,

I am away most of today but hope to look for those files for you tonight.

Yoou can contact me at 703 455 0298


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Marlin Pierce 
  To: The Barony of Ponte Alto 
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 7:06 AM
  Subject: [Ponte Alto] Pennsic Registraton

  Hi, I am the land agent for Barony of Ponte Alto, for this coming Pennsic (XXXVIII mka 2009).

  The group is registered, so anyone planning on attending Pennsic with us,
  needs to (1) register with Pennsic http://www.pennsicwar.org and (2) will need to register
  with the Barony.

  (1) You MUST pre-reg before 6/15/2009 to be allowed to camp with Ponte Alto.
  Follow the link above to Pennsic War, and select Barony of Ponte Alto as your group.
  As the typical advice goes, the name must be exact.  This mattered more when pre-registration
  was done by paper.  Now you can select the group from a drop down list, so the important
  advice is look in the B's, not in the P's!

  (2) The Barony registration web pages are not activated yet, so you will have to wait 
  until they are.  Once they are up, you must register with the Barony, and specify your
  tent size.  More instructions will be on the page, when it is available.

  Yours in Service,
  Mark McGroyne, mka Marlin Pierce.
  marlin_pierce_2000 at yahoo.com


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