[Ponte Alto] FW: Baronial Open House - Monday January 19th

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 13 08:09:53 PST 2009

Our address is at the top of the Baronial officers page: 

Phone numbers are:
Home - 571-333-4434
James cell - 703-338-4057
Katharine's cell - 571-239-2183

The best way to get to our home is via google maps as the roads are still new.



From: katdevereaux at hotmail.com
To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Baronial Open House - Monday January 19th
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2009 15:56:27 +0000

Greetings Pontoons,


James and I plan to hold an open house at least once an month for the populous of Ponte Alto. Normally, the format will be open so we could work on: sewing, leather working, cooking, research, project ideas, some woodworking, project advice, or just sit and talk. We may have specific projects to work on; if we do we will put it in the announcement. 


We would like the first open house on Monday, January 19th (MLK day) from 11 am to 7 pm. 

As this will be a full day, please bring some food/snacks/drinks to share.

There will be a variety of equipment / books / tools available and if you are looking for something specific, please ask either of us. We only have one sewing machine, so if you want to sew and have a machine it might be a good idea to bring it, just in case.

We look forward to welcoming you into our home and helping you to learn and do more.

James and Katharine
Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto

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