[Ponte Alto] Known World Costuming Symposium

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 8 14:05:12 PDT 2009

This is from Mistress Danabren of the East Kingdom who is the Deputy Event Steward for the Symposium. 

Yes, its the same weekend as War of the Wings. However if you weren't thinking of going to our event in
Atlantia, then perhaps you might want to teach a class at this one.

Mistress Danabren has said that she *is* looking to have an entire track on Asian personas, so if that's where
your interest lies, go for it!

And now the news--

October 9 - October 11, 2009, Philadelphia, PA

If you wish to teach one or more classes or roundtables, please email me at danabren at gmail.com and let me know.

This information will go out on an email as soon as the websites are live, but since I like you all, you get a sneak peek ;)

As this is a Costuming Symposium, I am seeking teachers for ALL levels of classes and workshops on all aspects of costuming, with both a European track and an Asian Track. This includes, but is not limited to:

Sewing techniques
Draping techniques
Peasant garments
Ceremonial/Iconic garments
Ecclesiastical garments
Armoring accouterments
Children’s clothing
Heraldic displays on clothing
Heraldic displays on animal clothing (caparisons, etc)
Visual period depictions of clothing and extrapolation thereof (ie reviewing manuscripts and tapestries)
Extant garments

If you can think of something I have missed, let me know, and tell me the name of your class. It is my hope to have CDs available for purchase with all handouts and notes of the Costume Symposium.

I would like to encourage new teachers and basic classes, as well as Laurels and advanced classes.

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