[Ponte Alto] FW: Crown Tourney Information

Katharine Devereaux katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 26 04:47:02 PDT 2008

Pay heed to the will of the Crowns of Atlantia!

A crown tournament is to be held November 8th to choose the Heirs to the Crowns of Atlantia.  Their Majesties wish the populace to have the following information.

Requirements for entrance to the lists:

You must be a subject of the Kingdom of Atlantia
You must have received an Award of Arms
You must have, at minimum, submitted your heraldry for review
You must submit an Arts and Sciences entry at Crown Tourney
As is our Law and Tradition, those individuals who do not meet the requirements above may petition the Crown for entrance into the list

Tournament Format:

The tourney will be double elimination
The winner of each bout will be determined in a best two out of three format
The final bout will be determined in a best three out of five format with each bout being different weapons forms

Should you wish to enter the Crown Tournament, please send a message with the following information for both fighter and consort to trm at atlantia.sca.org and seneschal at atlantia.sca.org:

SCA Name
Modern Name
Contact Information
Membership Number
Expiration Date

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