[Ponte Alto] Chalice/Coronation Lost and Found -- More Stuff

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 24 11:12:58 PDT 2008


I am happy to report that most of the lost and found stuff from Chalice/Coronation, has found its owners.  However, we have also added some stuff.  Here's the list as it stands:


Pair of brown 14th Century low top boots. Either women's or for a guy with very small feet.  Possibly Revival Leather.

Pair of black Mary Jane women's shoes, with black ribbon lacing.

Big umbrella, red, white and blue (faded), with worn wooden handle and a site token wrapped around (gold ribbon and a skull bead).

Pashmina, green, brand new.  Tag still attached.

Small basket, square, with linen napkin/veil inside.

Small brown bowl, and spoon.


A stuffed doll in garb.  If it's yours, contact me.

Please claim your stuff.  It's beginning to grow legs and it's talking to me.



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