[Ponte Alto] Mini Tourny, Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering Sunday May 18th at Pimmit Park, Falls Church, Va

cunian@citlink.net Cunian at citlink.net
Sat May 17 14:13:28 PDT 2008

The kumihimo braids are really cool and really easy.  You can use  
standard DMC embroidery floss, #25, in the same colors noted.  The #5  
pearl cotton seems a lot harder to find.  There are kits for $3 at the  
Hobby Works where I am dropping Helen off before practice which I can  
pick up for anyone who wants and sends me an email before 8 am Sunday.


Quoting dcadenise at aol.com:

> Good Afternoon-
> The Bardic Circle, A&S Gathering and Mini Tourney is tomorrow - May   
> 18th  at Pimmit Park 1pm-4pm and as Lady Willow has already pointed   
> out, tomorrow should be a lot of fun.
>> From the A&S side Angel will be showing those who are interested   
>> how to do kumihimo.  Kumihimo will assist those who are interested   
>> on working on Her Majesty's Atlantian Cord Project. Those   
>> interested should bring spiral braid using DMC size 5 pearl cotton   
>> thread in these colors: 1) 725 (gold), 2) 796 (blue), and 3)B5200   
>> (white) along with a weave wheel foam disk which can be found in   
>> most craft stores where they stock the lanyard making kits.  I will  
>>  have 2 extra kits handy for those wishing to try.
> James will also be bringing a few projects, including shoe patterns,  
>  for those who are interested.
> I will have two lucets for those who would like to try making lucet cording.
> Feel free to bring your projects out to the park and work on them   
> while meeting and socializing.
> I look forward to seeing you tomorrow
> ~Denise
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Made For Willow <madeforwillow at yahoo.com>
> To: atlantia at atlantia.sca.org; moo at stierbach.org; ponte alto   
> <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>; watchtower at sudentorre.atlantia.sca.org
> Sent: Thu, 15 May 2008 8:30 am
> Subject: [Ponte Alto] Mini Tourny, Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering   
> Sunday May 18th at Pimmit Park, Falls Church, Va
> Bardic Circle, A&S Gathering and Mini Tourney- May 18th  at Pimmit Park
> 1pm-4pm
> At the request of the Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto, I send   
> greetings and invitations to all who would come enjoy an informal   
> afternoon of merriment.
>  May Monthly Mini Tourny in Ponte Alto Sunday May 18th at Pimmit Park
> For the second of the monthly mini tourneys we welcome you to the   
> barony of Ponte Alto.  This month we are running a Ragnarock tourney  
>  on Sunday the 18th of May.  The tourney is to be fought with your   
> favorite weapon of choice.
> Location: Pimmet Park [Map] Right behind the Library
> First Part: Endurance
> Each fighter will in turn hold the field, fighting every fighter in   
> the tourney.  All wins will be recorded for that fighter.  Then the   
> next fighter will hold the field. Based on the Endurance phase of  
> the tourney lives for each fighter  will be calculated based on  
> their performance in the first part.   The fighter with the most  
> wins shall add 1 to their tally this will  be the Base Lives  
> calculation number.  Each fighter will subtract  their total wins  
> from the Base Lives calculation. Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering -  
> May 18th Fighter Practice at Pimmit Library
> 1pm-4pm
> For the second of the monthly mini tourneys we welcome you to the   
> barony of Ponte Alto.  This month we are running a Ragnarock tourney  
>  on Sunday the 18th of May.  The tourney is to be fought with your   
> favorite weapon of choice.
> Location: Pimmet Park [Map] Right behind the Library
> First Part: Endurance
> Each fighter will in turn hold the field, fighting every fighter in   
> the tourney.  All wins will be recorded for that fighter.  Then the   
> next fighter will hold the field. Based on the Endurance phase of  
> the tourney lives for each fighter  will be calculated based on  
> their performance in the first part.   The fighter with the most  
> wins shall add 1 to their tally this will  be the Base Lives  
> calculation number.  Each fighter will subtract  their total wins  
> from the Base Lives calculation. Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering -  
> May 18th Fighter Practice at Pimmit Library
> 1pm-4pm
> At the request of the Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto, I send   
> greetings and invitations to all who would come enjoy an informal   
> afternoon of merriment.
>  Arts & Science:
> Hosted by Baroness Denise
>  If you are working on illuminations, bead work, hand sewing,  
> leather  work or any other A&S project, please come and share your  
> talents  and ideas with the group. What are you working on? Come  
> share your  interests, talent and techniques with others.
>  Bardic Circle Workshop ? Talent not required!
> Hosted by Lady Willow
>  (everyone is welcome to join the circle, this is NOT a competition,  
>  it is a time to share and learn)
>  ALL bardic arts are welcome, newcomers, just learning, seasoned   
> bards, instruments, drums, hand percussion instruments, guitars,   
> hands for clapping, ears for listening, songs, stories,  poems,  
> whatever your artistic gift is or you would like to learn,  this is  
> the circle for you. Period, silly, filk, folk, romantic,  just for  
> fun, and acceptable bawdy talents acceptable.(appropriate  for all  
> audiences).  All participants welcome.
>  If possible, please bring a few copies of your song, story or poem   
> to share with others. This is a LEARNING, SHARING workshop, the idea  
>  is to share what you know with others, listen to new items, learn   
> something new and spend time together.
>  Bardic Circle Format will be Pick, Pass or Play.  Pick, Pass or  
> Play format has been used ever since I can remember  singing in a  
> bardic circle. This is how it works.  The host of the  circle offers  
> a song and then moves to the next person on the left.   Going around  
> in order, each person has a choice. They can Play,  which means  
> perform: sing, dance, tell a story, or play a tune. They  can Pass,  
> which means pike out, admit to having no voice, or to  shyness, and  
> beg forgiveness. Or they can Pick: choose a song or a  singer they'd  
> like to hear, ask for a story on such-and-such a  topic, or suggest  
> a style of performance they'd like.
>  You are welcome to bring picnic goodies to share as well!
>  In service to the dream,
> Lady Willow
> Baronial Bard of Ponte Alto
> Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a  
>  habit Peter Ustinov
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