[Ponte Alto] Academie d'Espee - Ranks

sigrune at aol.com sigrune at aol.com
Thu May 1 12:30:39 PDT 2008

To all, thank you for you replies, I am finding this most interesting.  
Please note, my questions are of curiosity, and are not for judgement 
or ill intent.

I've been looking over the Academie website, and the Atlantian book of 
Law (Thank you your Excellencies), and am seeing some interesting 
points... please let me know if I have this right...

Scholorship: is a rank set by the Academie
Free Scholor: is a rank set by the Academie
Provost: is a rank set by the Academie, but it looks as if this is only 
awarded to those who have attained the White Scarf

Order of the Sea Dragon: is an award by the Kingdom (AoA)
The Academie d' Espee, the Order of the White Scarf of Atlantia: is an 
award by the Kingdom (GoA) it does not automatically confer status as 
provost within the Academie, unless specified... which it looks like it 
typically has.

If this is right, this is a way cool thing... I like the nuances of the 
differences betweeen who grants what... it realy captures the 
historical flavor of the various guilds, schools and insitutions.


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