[Ponte Alto] Pennsic Planning Meeting

Nicole E. Miller schnauzer2 at cox.net
Tue May 20 04:59:57 PDT 2008

Greetings to the Populace,

I am attempting to organize a Pennsic encampment planning/Q&A/make sure we are all on the same page meeting for everyone who plans on camping with the barony at Pennsic this year.  First thing I need to know is who is planning on being a part of the Ponte Alto encampment.  Everyone please just drop me a line if you are, even if you have not actually registered yet with either the Coopers or the barony (pre-registration ends June 15th, so please register soon).  Everyone is welcome in the camp.  

In service to the crown and coronet,
Lady Sian
Deputy Land Agent for Pennsic 37

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