[Ponte Alto] Mini Tourny, Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering Sunday May 18th at Pimmit Park, Falls Church, Va

Made For Willow madeforwillow at yahoo.com
Thu May 15 05:30:38 PDT 2008

  Bardic Circle, A&S Gathering and Mini Tourney- May 18th  at Pimmit Park 
  At the request of the Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto, I send greetings and invitations to all who would come enjoy an informal afternoon of merriment.

  May Monthly Mini Tourny in Ponte Alto Sunday May 18th at Pimmit Park
    For the second of the monthly mini tourneys we welcome you to the barony of Ponte Alto.  This month we are running a Ragnarock tourney on Sunday the 18th of May.  The tourney is to be fought with your favorite weapon of choice.
  Location: Pimmet Park [Map] Right behind the Library
  First Part: Endurance
  Each fighter will in turn hold the field, fighting every fighter in the tourney.  All wins will be recorded for that fighter.  Then the next fighter will hold the field.  
  Based on the Endurance phase of the tourney lives for each fighter will be calculated based on their performance in the first part.  The fighter with the most wins shall add 1 to their tally this will be the Base Lives calculation number.  Each fighter will subtract their total wins from the Base Lives calculation.  
  Bardic Circle and A&S Gathering - May 18th Fighter Practice at Pimmit Library

  At the request of the Baron and Baroness of Ponte Alto, I send greetings and invitations to all who would come enjoy an informal afternoon of merriment.
  Arts & Science: 
  Hosted by Baroness Denise 
  If you are working on illuminations, bead work, hand sewing, leather work or any other A&S project, please come and share your talents and ideas with the group. What are you working on? Come share your interests, talent and techniques with others. 
  Bardic Circle Workshop – Talent not required! 
  Hosted by Lady Willow
  (everyone is welcome to join the circle, this is NOT a competition, it is a time to share and learn)
  ALL bardic arts are welcome, newcomers, just learning, seasoned bards, instruments, drums, hand percussion instruments, guitars, hands for clapping, ears for listening, songs, stories, poems, whatever your artistic gift is or you would like to learn, this is the circle for you. Period, silly, filk, folk, romantic, just for fun, and acceptable bawdy talents acceptable.(appropriate for all audiences).  All participants welcome.
  If possible, please bring a few copies of your song, story or poem to share with others. This is a LEARNING, SHARING workshop, the idea is to share what you know with others, listen to new items, learn something new and spend time together. 
  Bardic Circle Format will be Pick, Pass or Play.  
  Pick, Pass or Play format has been used ever since I can remember singing in a bardic circle. This is how it works.  The host of the circle offers a song and then moves to the next person on the left.  Going around in order, each person has a choice. They can Play, which means perform: sing, dance, tell a story, or play a tune. They can Pass, which means pike out, admit to having no voice, or to shyness, and beg forgiveness. Or they can Pick: choose a song or a singer they'd like to hear, ask for a story on such-and-such a topic, or suggest a style of performance they'd like. 
  You are welcome to bring picnic goodies to share as well!
  In service to the dream, 
  Lady Willow 
  Baronial Bard of Ponte Alto

Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit Peter Ustinov
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