[Ponte Alto] Nat'l Zoo Demo - 6:30pm - 8:00 pm

Jerri Lyn Mooney flora.bayeaux at gmail.com
Fri May 9 04:47:29 PDT 2008

This is a reminder that today is the SCA "demo" at the National Zoo for
their annual Guppy

Wulfwyn and I are heading down there this afternoon to get set up. The area
for our setup is across from the Zoo Police station in front
of the Lion/Tiger exhibit. There are public bathrooms on either side of the
cop-shop. This is the available changing area. Syr Richard, our main demo
contact, will be there at around 1:00. He will be wearing a red mantle with
white crosses for easy identification.

To unload, please use the Connecticut Ave entrance and proceed to the bus
lot. If you plan to come by METRO, take the Cleveland park exit and use the
elevator. Turn left when you leave the elevator and walk 4 blocks to the
Zoo. Enter the main gate and walk down the broad walkway to the Small Mammal
House. There you will need to identify yourself as SCA and go to the SCA

Below is a cut-and-paste about expectations from Syr Richard; please read if
you intend on coming.

I hope to see you there!

Baroness Flora
We need pavillions and banners, as much flashy looking stuff as
possible. NO WEAPONS of ANY KIND! Not even toys. Armor on stands or on
people is wonderful, but no weapons. A&S displays that show period
works are great. Period furniture and camp setups are very good
atmosphere. Please use feast gear and make this as magically period a
display as possible. We will have dancers and a Maypole, feel free to
dance, sing and entertain. The kids will love it! There is no schedule
of activities, everything will be going on pretty simultaneously. If
the becomes any conflicts, we will just take turns like the wonderful
gentle people we are.

If you set up a display, please plan to stay with it as you will be
your own first level of security. Certainly, if you need help, the Zoo
Police will be immediately available.

As FONZ makes money off of concessions, there can be no food or
beverage distributions to the public. We can bring water and food for
ourselves (and it is a good idea) but not for public consumption.

Please do not bring anything for public distribution that can be turned
into litter.

This will be covered by Zoo publicity and will get national attention,
so let's look good for the Zoo and the SCA. Come in your finest and be
prepared to answer alot of questions. You will be ambassadors to many
folks both big and small.*
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