[Ponte Alto] KASF Recognitions

Signora Cassandra Arabella Giordani cassandra at jordanclan.net
Mon Mar 3 13:59:39 PST 2008

There are a number of reasons for Pontoons to be dancing in the streets 
after KASF:

Baronne Belphoebe de Givet was inducted into the Order of the Laurel.
Lady Millicent Chandler was inducted into the Order of the Opal.
Mistress Allasondrea de Fano was made a Baroness of the Court.
Lady Iohanna filia Iacobi won the Persona Pentathlon.

For Mistress Belphoebe, Lady Millicent, Baroness Allasondrea, and Lady 
Iohanna, vivant!

Though not Pontoons, students of some of our Barony's Laurels also were 
recognized at KASF:

Master Tirloch's apprentice Lady Grace Whyting is the new Royal Baker.
Mistress Allasondrea's apprentice Lady Caemfind ingen Chobthaig was 
awarded the Silver Nautilus.

For Lady Grace and Lady Caemfind, vivant!

And quite a number of Pontoons (that I won't dare to list, because I 
will most certainly miss some!) displayed their arts in the hall.  All 
in all, a good day for Ponte Alto.  :)


Signora Cassandra Arabella Giordani
Barony of Ponte Alto, Kingdom of Atlantia
cassandra at jordanclan.net

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