[Ponte Alto] Warriors of Ponte Alto! If you are fighting at Pennsic, the King needs to know!

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Mon Jun 30 22:36:47 PDT 2008

If you plan on *possibly* fighting heavy combat at Pennsic, or if you  
know of someone who might be planning on possibly fighting heavy  
combat at Pennsic (but may not be on these lists, have internet  
access, be willing to respond, etc...), then we urge you to go to the  
database section of the Grand Army/Northern Army of Atlantia Yahoo  
Group (http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/grandarmy/database?method=reportRows&tbl=1 
) and enter your information so that we might all best serve their  
majesties and glorious Atlantia.  Please keep your answers brief so  
that we might best manage the data.

If you are truly uncomfortable with the database, cannot or will not  
access the Yahoo Group... than you can email me the name of the  
fighter, their mundane name, their unit affiliation, their Pennsic  
camp site, the expected date of their arrival at Pennsic, any special  
needs they might have, any special authorizations they might need, any  
special transportation they might need, and any additional ride/cargo  
capacity they might have available.

Please let us know, so that their Majesties can know the strength of  
Their Army!

Thank you for your kind attention to Their call.

In service,

Baron Max Von Halstern
Warlord of Ponte Alto
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