[Ponte Alto] You are needed by King and Kingdom!! Time to get active and to arms!!! For duty and glory!!

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Thu Jun 19 14:20:52 PDT 2008

At this month's Northern Army War Muster, the Southern Military  
District (Ponte Alto, Stierbach, Roxbury Mills) failed to heed the  
call -- there were but two of us from Ponte Alto in armour.

At our local Highland River Melees, the Southern Military District,  
failed to heed the call -- there were but six of us from Ponte Alto in  

His Grace, Duke Badouin, the Legatus Legionus and Commander of the  
Atlantian Northern Army (of Darkness) has called Ponte Alto one of the  
three critical foundations upon which the Northern Army is built.

We have made great strides in recent days and have many  
accomplishments and significant progress of which we can all be  
proud.  Yet in recent days, just as we must needs be increasing our  
pace to prepare for forthcoming battle, we seem to have been stepping  
back, resting, and easing-up.

We are needed by King, Kingdom, Barony, and our fellow comrades-in- 
arms to continue the strides we have made towards becoming a fighting  
force of extraordinary magnitude and a unit to be known, admired, and  
feared across the knowne world!

His Majesty has asked for an assessment of his troops so that we might  
better our armies and best utilize them against our enemies in our  
forthcoming wars.

This weekends assessments are critically important for the development  
of our forces.  We *cannot* simply show-up at Pennsic and consider  
ourselves a unit.  Units are built-up from practice and training,  
cohesiveness and identity.

We need to rally ourselves and our force at this weekends assessments  
and carry that energy forward to the Northern Army War Muster that  
will be held the weekend afterwards (6/29) at Stierbach's Birthday.

As loyal subjects of their Majesties and and dutiful soldiers in the  
magnificent Army of Atlantia, we are honor-bound to do what we can to  
add our strength and vigor to enhance the effectiveness of our force  
to our greater glory.

That means we need anyone and everyone who can possibly get out there  
to add a hand to get themselves to Assessments.  Fighters,  
Waterbearers, Helpful Hands, Cheering Sections...  If you can possibly  
get yourself out to Assessments and the War Muster to support the  
Northern Army of Atlantia, we hope you will do what you can to make it  

We have not been showing up in recent weeks.  The fantastic momentum  
we demonstrated at events like Blackstone Raid and Sapphire Joust has  
been waning.

I pray that we can reverse that trend and that we all will show this  
great Kingdom of ours the true Heart and Spirit of this glorious  
Barony of Ponte Alto!!

In service,

Baron Max Von Halstern
Warlord of Ponte Alto and Tribunus Angusticlavus of the Northern Army  
of Atlantia

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