[Ponte Alto] [MR] North Army War Muster Yesterday

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Sun Jun 1 08:29:51 PDT 2008

Lord Kollack von Zweckel and House Wulfshaven (with the support of  
their Barony of Bright Hills) did indeed do an incredible job of  
securing a site on short notice, getting things set-up *by* 8am (I  
know, as I was there!), managing a War Muster as an event, getting  
their Household out to fight as a foundational unit of the Northern  
Army, and providing us the logistical support to allow us to do a  
significant amount of Army training in spite of the near-continuous  

Those who stayed a-bed missed alot of great food, good fun, and truly  
*awesome* Thuggish fighting against spirited soldiers in rain and mud  
(who don't love that!).  You also missed an opportunity to help better  
train your comrades-in-arms and make the Northern Army an even greater  
force to be reckoned with.  Hopefully those who didn't show-up for  
this War Muster won't miss our next one... the only way we're all  
going to get better is by training together!  So let's get out there  
and fight, folks!  Even if you can't fight at a War Muster, you can  
*learn* from it... so come out to learn, even if you can't armour-up!

I know his Grace was quite pleased with the progress made from the  
training drills and the training scenarios and that we all believe the  
Army has continued is rather significant growth and progression.  Woe  
be unto the Midrealm this Summertime!

Vivat to House Wulfshaven and all those who helped bring the War  
Muster together on such short notice and kept it running throughout  
the inclement weather, and Vivat to the Heroes of the Northern Army  
who showed-up in the morning, fought throughout the rain, and grew as  
an Army!

In Service,

Baron Max Von Halstern
Warlord of Ponte Alto and Tribunus Angusticlavus of the Northern Army  
of Atlantia

On Jun 1, 2008, at 11:00 AM, Martelle von Charlottenburg wrote:

> Greetings to all in the tavern!
>  I would like to congratulate House Wulfshaven for a fine Northern  
> Region War Muster yesterday. Everyone who attended was impressed  
> with your organization of this event and the hospitality you  
> offered. There was plenty of fun, food, and fighting.
>  The weather could not be helped but the fighters of the North  
> showed how robust they were by continuing to train in the rain.
>  Thank you to Your Grace, Duke Badouin and Sir Theron for inspiring  
> those troops who ignored the threats of rain to train so that they  
> might bring glory to our Kingdom at the upcoming Pennsic War.
>  Thank you to Lord Alexander Fowler and Her Excellency, Chagun  
> Khulan, Bhagsi for spending the day acting as MOL.
>  The Midrealm should tremble before the might of Atlantia!
>  yours,
>  Mistress Martelle von Charlottenburg, OL
>  Baroness of Bright Hills

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