[Ponte Alto] All the Melee there is to be had at Storvic!!!!

guylestran at aol.com guylestran at aol.com
Mon Jul 7 09:44:22 PDT 2008

Here are the two emails that have gone out on this weekend.  Please
spread the word.  Thought it would be easier if they were in one place 
so that there would be less confusion.  Make either or both as your 
schedule allows.  If you can only make one I would of course advise you 
go to the actual event, though we would love to see you at both.

For Saturday.............

Greeting all from Sir Theron Andronikos, the MIC for the Storvic
Novice and unbelted tourney this coming weekend. I would like to
make it known that I intend to have melee fighting Saturday following
the unbelted tourney (like immediately following). I have gathered a
host of Knights to marshal the tourneys and as such they will be
champing at the bit to fight! To satisfy their need for fighting I
have scheduled a few melee scenarios to round out the day. I am
looking to have a Champions Battle type capture the flag scenario as
well as some limited frontage fun. If the warriors wish it, I am sure
we can also do
some quality open field fighting as well. So please bring your war
fighting gear and bring your desire to crash and bang! See you at the
Theron Andronikos

For Sunday..................

 There will be a muster Sunday after the Storvik Novice and Unbelted
tournament.  This will begin at 11am sharp.
I am pleased with the noticeable progress that you all have made so
far, in a relatively short amount of time.  However this will be the
last muster before Pennsic, so PLEASE make every effort to get you
and your troops out so that we can all work together.  There is much
left to be done, and not enough time to do it.  We will be facing the
enemy more numerous then us, and every effort we make before the war
will mean a larger margin of what my lovely lady calls “Kill more,
Die less”.

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

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