[Ponte Alto] Final Pennsic campers meeting

Nicole E. Miller schnauzer2 at cox.net
Sun Jul 6 13:27:35 PDT 2008

Sorry for the short notice!

His Excellency has asked me to call a final meeting for all those camping with the barony at Pennsic this year.  It will be this Wednesday 7/9 at he home of their Excellencies Jurgen and Flora (same place as the last one) We would like to begin at 7:30.  Lord James and Lady Katherine will be there as well giving a "how to " for some simple tunics.  A perfect combination for just before Pennsic.

This meeting will cover the finalized camp tax, meal plan info, go over available space in the Baronial U-haul and is a time to answer any question left out there.

Speaking of the meal plan, Lady Sophia et al have asked me to get a show of hands of those interested in participating in the meal plan.  The plan will cover the second week only (begriming Aug 2nd- the Saturday before Opening Ceremonies) and end the following Friday -Aug 8.  It will consist of a cooked breakfast, DIY sandwiches (cold cuts, PB&J, fruits, cheeses etc) and a nice sit down dinner each day.  Exact details to come, but based on the number of participants it will cost between $20-$30 per person (for the whole week-plus the more people, the lower the cost).  Please left me if you are interested ASAP so we can have some real numbers for you at the meeting.

If you have not done so already, please take a moment to register yourself and your family on the baronial web site.  Or at the very least, bring your tent info (footprint, ropes/no ropes, shade fly, etc) to the meeting.  As soon as we get confirmation on the block allocation, I will begin to lay out the camp.  

We need at least one person from each camping unit to attend, but the more the merrier.  If you cannot attend, don't worry, just make sure I have all your tent info, number of people in your group and your camping dates. I can let you know all the numbers the next day.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask myself or Baron Jurgen


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