[Ponte Alto] We have set the bar, now we must strive to defend it and raise it at Coronation!

Max Nelson maxntropy at att.net
Tue Aug 12 16:03:36 PDT 2008

Unto the glorious and now much renowned fighting population of Ponte- 
Bach, does Baron Maximilian Von Halstern send congratulations,  
greetings, and this urgent missive.

Your *outstanding* performance on the fields of Pennsic and before  
that at Blackstone Raid and the Sapphire Joust Melee Tournament has  
truly set the bar for unit excellence and has led his Grace, Duke  
Cuan, to try to increase the focus on melee fighting throughout our  
great Kingdom by hosting a new ten-person melee tournament at the  
Coronation of Prince Jason and Princess Gerhild.

Whilst we have truly just journeyed far in defense of Crown and  
Kingdom, and whilst 'tis true their Highnesses' Coronation is not  
close to home, *now* is the time to cement our rightful place and  
standing and prove our worth and prowess as a cohesive and mighty  
melee unit to glorious and proud Atlantia.

We can, of course, take the easier and softer route... claiming  
fatigue and distance.  Or we can choose the path less travelled, and  
take up the gauntlet of challenge and strive to again demonstrate to  
all what we know in our hearts to be true!  That together as a team,  
we can rise to any challenge and meet and conquer any foe that might  
come before us!

As we did before with Blackstone Raid, we can coordinate ridesharing,  
caravanning, room-sharing (hotels or cabins if still available), off- 
site meals, etc... through the Expeditionary Corps to help ensure  
everyone who wants to go can get there and back and to minimize costs.

Together we have come so far and done great things in such a short  
amount of time.  I hope that we will be willing to keep walking down  
the path together and put together a mighty team of ten (or perhaps  
two teams of ten!) along with the support personnel to help make such  
a team possible (for truly, we *cannot* do any of this without our  
tremendous support personnel).

Please let me know if you are willing to participate and join us in  
this effort to maintain the hardfought position we have gained.  You  
can reach me at warlord at pontealto.org.  If you would like to  
participate in the ridesharing, carvanning, room-sharing/planning and  
off-site meals and such, please let us know at expeditionary at pontealto.org 

It has been and remains my privilege and honor to be in service,

Baron Max Von Halstern

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