[Ponte Alto] Fw: Archery land use

guylestran at aol.com guylestran at aol.com
Wed Apr 9 14:24:55 PDT 2008

sorry I could not make this, I am on the road right now.

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Miller <mill3rs at yahoo.com>
To: Ponte Alto list SCA <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>; Stierbach list 
SCA <moo at stierbach.org>
Sent: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 10:40 am
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Fw: Archery land use

Just a reminder for anyone who had even given a thought to this...  
There is a meeting tonight at 7pm at Langley High School for Fairfax 
County Parks planning & development.  Esperanza and I are planning on 
going to this meeting and would love to have anyone else who is 
interested come and support us, and help the FCPA realize that we are 
serious about our request for asking them to allow us to use FCPA land 
for our archery practices.


I am also planning on going to the one on the 22nd, unless my contact 
at the FCPA says it's not necessary.


(Hmmm, after all Ponte Alto is Italian... "family" nudging?  hehe...  )


Thanks in advance!!


BTW, when talking to my contact last week, I heard someone in the 
background in his office say "Oh, here's another archery email"... so 
we're getting through!  If you haven't sent off your email yet, please 

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Karen Miller <mill3rs at yahoo.com>
To: Ponte Alto list SCA <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>; Stierbach list 
SCA <moo at stierbach.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 4:09:57 PM
Subject: [Ponte Alto] Archery land use

Hello all,
I'm writing to you all to request that the Ponte Alto and Stierbach 
populace help our archery community.


We lost the site that we were using as our outdoor archery range and 
are in need of another.  What we need is about 1 acre or so of land 
where we can set up our archery targets and shoot - preferably without 
shooting into neighbors yards. Traditionally, both Ponte Alto and 
Stierbach practice together, so we'd like to keep to the west if 
possible. It would be helpful if we could keep our targets on the site 
as well.  We'd like to keep it close in to Fairfax County so that 
people who work in DCish areas can get to it in a reasonable amount of 
time for a weeknight practice.   If you know of such a place... PLEASE 
contact Miles de Lockwood at: milesdelocwode at cox.net or Brigid OHara 
at: mill3rs at yahoo.com . 

The other option we are pursuing is to petition Fairfax County to 
provide land for us (as other counties in the area do have archery 
targets on county lands).   In order to be heard that we need use of 
this land - which we all pay for with our taxes, mind you, there is now 
a way to suggest that Fairfax County put an archery range on one of 
their park lands.  The more people that are heard from, the better the 
chance that the county would provide for us.  So please... help us one 
and all!


If you would all be so kind as to go to: 
http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/plandev/greatparks.htm and see the 
website that they have put up asking for input for the park system.  On 
the bottom of this page, there is an email link to the planning and 
development office at:  Parkmail at fairfaxcounty.gov .  If we all send 
them emails to let them know what we'd like, maybe they'll allow us to 
use some of the land that they have.


There is a list of Fairfax County planning & development meetings on 
this page - there are only 2 meetings left. I would have gone to an 
earlier one but I only just found out about it.  It would be nice if we 
could get at least a few people to go to one or both of the meetings - 
I could go to either one, so please let me know if anyone else would be 
interested in helping me!  It would be nice if we could get a place 
where the archery and fighting practices could be done simultaneously - 
with safety for both groups!  But that might be asking for too much.  
Who knows, we can but ask.

The meetings are:

Tuesday, April 8th-Dranesville District - meeting held at Langley High 
Tuesday, April 22nd-Springfield District - meeting held at West 
Springfield High School

Or you can email: Parkmail at fairfaxcounty.gov and let them know that the 
SCA is - a non-profit organization that:
"The SCA is an international organization dedicated to researching and 
re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our "Known 
World" consists of 19 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in 
countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle 
Ages and Renaissance, attend events which may feature tournaments, arts 
exhibits, classes, workshops, dancing, feasts, and more."  (from the 
SCA webpage)
In this spirit, we also do archery.  In the past, we used a member's 
farm land for our target archery practices.  That member has since 
moved and we have been unable to find suitable land for our target 
archery practices.  We are requesting that Fairfax County set aside 
some of their land for use as a target archery range.

Things to include in the email you send:
When we shoot, our targets are traditionally set at 20, 30 and 40 
yards, so we need land enough for this.
We can provide our own targets, though would like to be able to store 
them on site if possible.
We have safety marshals and insurance, which should keep the county's 
legal people happy and our people safe.

Please take the time to help our archers out and send out an email... 

Brigid & Miles



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