[Ponte Alto] Pennsic registration deadlines are approaching

Jeffrey C French jcfrench at mac.com
Fri Apr 25 16:58:54 PDT 2008

Greetings to all members of the Barony of Ponte Alto, from Baron Jurgen, 
your erstwhile Pennsic Land Agent.

We are now registered as a group for Pennsic 37.

All members of the Barony are welcome to camp in the Baronial Encampment.

When you preregister for Pennsic you must use Barony of Ponte Alto as
your group name. If registering online, there is a drop down with the correct name.

To preregister online (or to print out the forms for mail-in) Go to the
Pennsic 37 web site at: http://www.cooperslake.com/prereg37.php and
pre-register. Please either
print out your form or write down you PENN# for each of the people
registered in your party. I need this information to ensure we get all the
land that we are entitled.

You must also register with the Barony. At present the Baronial Pennsic
Registration page has not been activated, but it will be shortly. There will
be a link to the Baronial Pennsic Page from the main page of the website
when it is available, and I will also send out an additional email at that
In the meantime, you can contact me at "baron AT pontealto.atlantia.sca.org" if you have any

The common land set aside is the same as last year - 75 sq. ft per camper.

You must purchase enough land to cover the footprint of your tent + space
for ropes and fire safety + common land set aside. Register additional
person or persons with
Pennsic (if over 250 square feet)to cover your overrun. This is commonly
referred to as a ghost
registration. However do not register a child or infant as a ghost.
Pennsic gets very upset about this and will take their displeasure on the
entire group next year if they find that a number of children were
pre-registered but did not show up at the gate. Also, remember to register
your ghosts with the Barony. You will not be charged 75 square foot give
back for your ghost.When the Land calculator
becomes available it will automatically calculate this for you. You can also
contact me off-list and I will assist you.

Baron Jurgen

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