[Ponte Alto] Artisans' Row at Dun Carraig Baronial Birthday

mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Fri Sep 28 13:12:13 PDT 2007


The Barony of Dun Carraig will host an Artisans' Row at their upcoming Baronial
Birthday*, on November 10th. A special invite is extended to those practicing
the arts and sciences of the Vikings, but all are welcome to participate,
regardless of your culture and period.

Artisans' Row will take place right in the middle of the the main hall, although
there is also room outside for messy activities, or activities that require
torches or fire.


*Candles are allowed.
*Electricity is available. Please bring extention cords if you need electricity.
*Chairs and tables are available. Please let me know if you require one or many.
*Are you a merchant? Merchants and Artisans Row will be located right next to
each other, so you can sit in either place you choose and participate in both!
*No animals allowed

All artisans, new and, not-so-new are invited to join us. This is an informal
space where you can work and play at your craft, meet others interested in your
hobbies, and get a chance to see how to do arts that you've always wondered
about. We're looking for artisans in all areas who want to come and share,
spending all or just part of the day working.

If you are interested in participating or have questions, please contact
Mathilde Bourette at mathilde at mathildegirlgenius dot com. Please use
"Artisans' Row" in the subject line, so it isn't deleted as spam. Let Mathilde
know what your space considerations or any other special needs are. The day of
the event, space will be assigned as first-come, first-served, unless you have
special needs, like close access to water, lots of space, etc. Letting me know
ahead of time is nice, but not strictly necessary. If you show up day of the
event, we'll find you some space.

This is your chance to show off, get feedback, give feedback, HAVE FUN, and meet
with other artisans. We hope to see you there!

Maistresse Mathilde Bourette
Barony of Dun Carraig

PS. Please forgive the rampant crossposting!

*Please see http://duncarraig.net/birthday/index.php for more info.

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