[Ponte Alto] Heavy Armored Combat Northern VA.

David Conlon dconlon at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 21 09:29:34 PDT 2007

Fellow Heavy Fighters and those intrested in heavy
My name is Viscount Sir Eldrid Wolfsguard.  I am an
old out of practice knight from far away Atenveldt and
currently un-able to attend the area fighter
practices, yet I would like to practice the fighting
arts.  This is a request for anyone who has armor and
or is intrested in Heavy Armored Combat to join me at
our Monday open house the location is posted on the
steirbach calendar under "Open House Sterling VA".  
Bring any armor you may have and I would welcome the
chance to practice with you.  Be it full armored
combat, slow work, pell work, or just working on
weapon techniques out of armor, in our living room. 
Our home is available as the calandar says every
Monday starting around 4:00pm to around 9:00pm. 
Stierbach Calendar
Monday Night Open House information
Please feel free to show up and bring any SCA related
projects this is also our project night where we work
on all SCA related projects. 
If you wish to email me you can do so directly at
eldrid at viscounteldrid.com 
We hope to see you on Monday. 
-Viscount Eldrid Wolfsguard

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