[Ponte Alto] Chalice luncheon

Snoleopard4 at aol.com Snoleopard4 at aol.com
Thu Sep 13 06:01:18 PDT 2007

Greeting to the populace!
Just a reminder that we will be having a fundraiser luncheon this Saturday  
at Chalice of the Sun God IV for the Barony of Ponte Alto.  We'll be  serving 
from 11:30 until 2:00 (or until the food runs out!), with a quick  and easy 
selection of great food.
For a mere $5.00, you can make your own sandwich of fresh roasted turkey or  
warm pulled pork with a choice of two different barbecue sauces on the  side.  
We'll also have a selection of sliced cheeses, cookies and brownies,  fruits, 
pickle spears, and tea or lemonade.  We'll also have plates,  cups and 
napkins available if you need them.
So come on out, don't worry about packing a lunch, and support the Barony  of 
Ponte Alto.  See you there!
Lady Wulfwyn AElfwines dohtor
"We listened  for a voice crying in the wilderness. And we heard the 
jubilation of the  wolves!"
Durwood L. Allen

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