[Ponte Alto] Sweet shop at Holiday Faire...(help needed again)

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 10:08:31 PDT 2007

Greetings Pontoons, :)
  I need help again. Another Sweet Shop fundraiser will be held at Holiday Faire to raise money for the Kingdom Travel Fund. This time the stall will be dubbed Sweet and Spicey because of the desserts and spice packages I will be selling. What's the difference this time? Well this time we will be inside, the sweet will be packaged in Oramami boxes, and I will need your help to stock the inventory. :)  
  What I'm looking for, should you want to volunteer and make a confection for the shop, is individually packaged sweets in either plastic wrap or wax-paper. The Oragami boxes we will be making are limited to the size of paper we will have on site. On average the boxes will be about 4x6, 4x4 or 5x5 inches in width and lenth and about an 1 1/2 inches in height. 
  All contributions are greatly appreciated and willingly accepted.
Lady Marie-Therese Normand
  Fundraising Coordinater for their Majesties Logan and Rowan

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