[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto in period?

Kate Spears fyrlocc at gmail.com
Tue Nov 13 15:03:45 PST 2007

Ponte Ubriaco, if memory serves, correct Your Ex?

On 11/13/07, cjhalstead at verizon.net <cjhalstead at verizon.net> wrote:
> Oh, you may get more than you bargained for. :-)  This is my recollection
> of the way things went, and other people may remember in better detail,
> particularly the heralds at the time if they are still on the list.
> There was a great deal of discussion about possible names for the group as
> we were coalescing.  There was pretty much unanimous agreement that we
> weren't going to work on the arms without a name, so the first order of
> business was coming to an agreement on the group name.  People made
> suggestions, several votes were taken at different organizational meetings
> to try to narrow things down before an official decision was made and the
> necessary petition filed with CoH.  We also were generally of the opinion
> that the name should be in a language most people would be able to make a
> decent stab at pronouncing properly, so suggestions were mostly limited to
> English and Romance languages (I think there were suggestions in French,
> Italian, and Spanish, but there may have been others.  I just don't remember
> any more).
> The first name the group agreed on was Ponte Nove, or nine bridges, to
> reflect the bridges over the rivers in the DC area.  That got shot down by
> the heralds' office 1) because it was too close to the name of a real bridge
> and 2) it was bad Italian.  (It would have to be Nove Ponti to be
> correct.)  The consensus after that was that we wanted to stick to the
> bridge theme, that we would like to stick with Italian, and the preference
> would be for "Ponte Something" if possible.  After a side trip involving
> using the wrong word for "high" (as in drunk instead of as in high in the
> air) the group agreed to submit Ponte Alto ("high bridge") to the CoH.
> Once the bridge theme as a concept was worked out, the heralds and artists
> started drawing various color permutations.  The consensus after discussion
> was that a single charge was preferable to multiple charges, since we also
> had to put in the laurel wreath.  We were looking for simple to reproduce,
> easy to recognize, all those things that are important for group
> heraldry.  The black and gold version that was eventually passed was the one
> that was best liked of all the color combinations that were proposed.  At
> the time there weren't many groups using black and gold in the Kingdom, and
> none in northern Atlantia, so it seemed like a good color pick for group
> arms.  Both name and arms passed CoH, and here we are.
> As I said, this is my recollection of the decision-making process.  It may
> well be wrong, or out of order, but in essence I'm pretty sure it's
> accurate. :-)
> Caitlyn
> First list officer for the Canton of Ponte Alto, first list officer for
> the Barony of Ponte Alto, attendant at most if not all the organizational
> meetings, all around old fart
> >From: Scott Cozad <scott at cozaddigital.com>
> >Date: 2007/11/13 Tue PM 01:13:03 CST
> >To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org
> >Subject: Re: [Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto in period?
> >Nicole E. Miller wrote:
> >> That is so cool!  Now, to figure out who this knight is.
> >
> >Edward:
> >Historically it will probably be hard to tell.  I'll do some digging
> >because I'm a geek like that.  If I find anything I will pass along the
> >info.
> >
> >Are there any folks on this list who where present when the Baronial Arms
> >were being registered.  If so can you shed some light on their origins.
> >
> >Edward
> >
> >--
> >Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; but knowledge
> >which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.
> >Plato The Republic Book VII
> >
> >
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