[Ponte Alto] Tonight Demo; slight time change

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at cox.net
Mon Nov 12 06:23:16 PST 2007

Sorry, folks!  Obviously, that wasn't supposed to go to the list!  Grrr.

Mea Culpa,
Sorcha de Glys
Ponte Alto, Atlantia
sorchadeglys at cox.net

On Nov 12, 2007, at 9:21 AM, Shannon Smith wrote:


I hope it went well!  I'm sorry, but I didn't notice it on the Ponte  
Alto list.  I've not been checking the list very frequently these  
days.  Could you please e-mail me directly for demos?  I'm sorry it's  
not as easy for you, but it's probably the easiest way to notify me.   
Otherwise, you can always call me at 703-627-1627 if you'd prefer.   
Again, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to you announcements and  
I'm sorry I wasn't able to help.

Sorcha  :)

sorchadeglys at cox.net

On Nov 8, 2007, at 11:34 AM, James Barker wrote:

Tonight Thursday, November 8th at 7:20pm in Springfield, VA at West  
Springfield Elementary School: 6802 Deland Drive, Springfield, VA  
22152. We start at 7:20pm and the scouts start the meeting at 7pm so  
we should be there to unload by 6:45pm.

Tomorrows demo at Shrevewood Elementary School is about the same; be  
there around 6:45pm to unload and the scout meeting starts at 7pm:  
Friday, November 9th at 7pm at Shrevewood Elementary School where we  
have Rapier Practice: http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org/ 

We have about 45 minutes to an hour for each

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