[Ponte Alto] [phishing] Duke Paul Visit Thank you.

Stephan Porter stephan at mail.ndsisoftware.com
Wed May 23 06:27:00 PDT 2007

Greetings All,

I would like to echo the words of Sir Guy below.  My father did indeed thoroughly enjoy his time here in Atlantia, as he always does.

There are not many places that Duke Paul will try to make time to go and teach at, but Atlantia is one of them.  So, start planning now.  Pick some dates in the Winter/Spring and contact my father to get him out to teach again.

I too enjoyed what time I could give over the past few months training and fighting with you all.  Most of you know that Niobe and I are fully retired from the SCA.  If you did not know, then you do now, and if you want to know more then send me a note.

My time at the practices was in response to a request from my past students.  If you find yourself in an area that I am, feel free to ask for training and I will do my best to help.  However, there are no guarantees as my ministry, focus and time is the service of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

May God Bless and keep you all,


PS Feel free to cross post this message to any list. 

-----Original Message-----
From:	ponte-alto-bounces at atlantia.sca.org on behalf of guylestran at aol.com
Sent:	Wed 5/23/2007 7:43 AM
To:	ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org; atlantia-request at atlantia.sca.org
Subject:	[phishing] [Ponte Alto] Duke Paul Visit Thank you.

I would like to thank everyone who donated their time, helped with the ticket, helped transport, and just plain showed for instruction with Duke Paul at either my home or at the practices.  

The huge level of interest made the time and effort of bringing him out more that worth it, and also makes trips like this possible for the future again as well.

For those of you who want to follow up or have questions, Duke Paul is always happy to answer emails.

There is also a section of the Armor Archive where Paul answers questions, http://forums.armourarchive.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=19&sid=f49d68c14dcad24ac7b40e2a786b049a

Please feel free to cross post this to the various lists.


Sir Guy

"Knighthood Is Only The Beginning."

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