[Ponte Alto] President's Report for the April 2007 Board Meeting
Katharine Devereaux
katdevereaux at hotmail.com
Thu May 10 08:07:03 PDT 2007
This is the President's letter on the actions taken at the SCA Inc.'s
most recent Board of Directors meeting, held April 21, 2007 in Cheyenne,
Wyoming, in the Kingdom of the Outlands. This material may be freely
distributed, and those receiving it are strongly encouraged to share
this information with the general membership. Permission is hereby
granted to reprint all or part of this report in Kingdom, Principality,
and local newsletters. It is requested that the source of the
information be identified as "from the President's Letter on the April,
2007 Board meeting " and that, as far as possible, exact quotes be used.
Please note that this report is NOT the official Minutes of the Board
meeting. In case of any discrepancy between this document and the
approved Minutes, the Minutes are binding. Any inaccuracies in reporting
contained herein are my own.
Subscriptions to the Board Minutes are available from the SCA Inc. A
subscription includes this report in addition to the Minutes approved at
the meeting. Past approved Minutes are also available on the SCA web
site (http://www.sca.org/).
The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on July 14, 2007, in
Bloomington, Minnesota, in the Kingdom of Northshield. The deadline for
submission of agenda items is July 1, 2007. Please send hardcopies of
any agenda items to Renee Signorotti at the SCA, Inc. corporate office
by that date
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Anderson
President, SCA Inc.
The Board took note of two new groups, the Shire of Hrafnafjordr-
Principality of Oertha (Alaska) and the Shire of Harrowgate Heath,
Kingdom of Ealdormere (Grenville & Dundas Counties, Ontario, Canada).
The Board also took note of two dissolutions, the Canton of Trollhaven,
East Kingdom (southern Rhode Island), and the Canton of Giant's Gate,
East Kingdom (New Haven,Waterbury, Connecticut).
Gabrielle Underwood stated that there are at present forty-nine (49)
candidates on the list of Board nominees. She stated that commentary
from the membership on these nominees is always welcomed, as are new
Marshals' Handbook
The Board adopted the new amended Marshals Handbook, which mainly
incorporates rules changes already approved by the Board.
Atenveldt Royalty Variance Request
The Board approved the variance request for Corpora Item IV.C.2 by
Morgan and Livia, Crown Prince and Princess of Atenveldt to bestow a
Duchy on HRM Elzbieta of Atenveldt, upon completion of her reign.
Drachenwald Royalty Variance Request
The Board also granted a variance of Corpora IV.C.2 as requested by TRH
of Drachenwald, Alaric and Nerissa, to bestow a county on HRM Margarite
of Drachenwald, upon completion of her reign
President-Patrick Anderson (Gabriel andvaka Kjotvason)
The President reports that the SCA has been found to not be in violation
of the ADA by one state's Attorney General's office. Further, the
President has dealt with Wife Swap and they should not be bothering us
Vice President of Operations (Society Seneschal) - George Reed (Aaron
faheud Swiftrunner of the Stone Keep)
The Board upheld the following policy interpretation of the Society
Are KW Officer Symposiums mandatory?
Ruling: No. The SCA Corporate and Society Officers do not tell
kingdoms how to spend their money without a formal change to an SCA
governing document. Society officers *do* have the capacity to reserve
the right to make policy changes as a result of matters discussed at KW
officer Symposiums, without additional follow-up with kingdoms that
elect not to attend. Kingdoms that have conflicts and cannot attend
should receive special consultation.
The Board also upheld this policy interpretation of the Society
It is my ruling that the SCA Alcohol Policy should apply to all North
America branches of the SCA, Inc. I will commend to the Board a
recommended clarification in the wording to reflect this ruling.
This ruling is based on:
* The cause of the Alcohol Policy is insurance and liability
* The same insurance carrier covers us throughout North America.
* Managing to different standards is an ineffective way to manage
Vice President of Corporate Operations-Renee Signorotti
Report Filed.
Tournaments Illuminated (Outgoing) - John Sandtrom (Omar Mohammud
Report filed.
Tournaments Illuminated (Incoming) - Dori Andrepont (Doria Tecla)
Ms. Andrepont has begun her tenure as the Tournaments Illuminated
Compleat Anachronist - Rae L. Hadley (Towen ferch Grufudd Aur)
Ms. Hadley has begun her tenure as the Compleat Anachronist editor.
Treasurer - Alan Andrist (Alanus of Bunghea)
Report filed.
Society Exchequer - Mazelle Attiya (Maitresse Alysia Gabrielle de
The Board approved a change to the Society Financial Policy. The changes
are as follows:
Society Financial Policy section XV:
A review of books is mandatory when the office changes hands or every
two years; such review to be conducted by the Kingdom Chancellor of the
Exchequer or designated representative. The books maintained by the
Kingdom Exchequer will be reviewed by the Society Chancellor of the
Exchequer or a designated deputy when that office changes hands. The
financial records are public property and will be made available for
examination by any member upon reasonable request at a time and place
agreed upon by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the requestor.
The purpose of a formal review of books is to ensure that all
appropriate policies and procedures are in place and followed by all
parts of the SCA, Inc., and to determine, document and monitor
appropriate corrective action plans when gaps are found. A formal review
of books is not a performance review for any financial officer, nor is
it to be used as such.
A review of books is mandatory when the financial officer changes. All
accounts must be reviewed at least once within any two-year period,
regardless of financial officer turnover.
Branch reviews are performed by any warranted exchequer acceptable to
the Kingdom or Society Exchequer. For Kingdom level accounts, the
reviewer must be approved by the Society Exchequer. The reviewer must
not be a member of, or active in, the branch being reviewed.
Reviews must be witnessed by at least one other officer. The witness
should be (in order of preference) the exchequer of the account, the
emergency deputy exchequer of the account, or the Seneschal on the
financial committee for that account. Under certain circumstances, such
as [when] the exchequer is under investigation, it may be required that
a third party be selected as the witness instead of the aforementioned
officers. These may include the Regional Deputy Exchequer, Kingdom
Exchequer, or a representative of the Kingdom Exchequer. If none of
these officers are available, the review must be rescheduled to provide
for the presence of one of these officers.
The review covers all activity since the most recent of: date of last
formal review, date of last financial officer change, back to January 1
three years prior so that at least two complete years of activity is
included, and start of branch history.
The following topics and files, if they apply to the account being
reviewed, are to be covered:
i. Financial reports submitted
ii. Event or other activity reports as required by kingdom policy
iii. Warrant and membership status for the financial officer and the
emergency deputy
iv. Segregation of duties as required by Society and kingdom policy
v. Training needs for the financial officer(s) including access to handbooks
vi. Bank account setup and status (including signatory verification)
vii. Ledger maintenance and bank account reconciliation
viii. Transaction documentation, including deposits, receipts, advances and
advance reconciliation
ix. Financial committee meeting minutes and decisions, including budgets and
special votes
x. Financial policies in effect (branch and higher)
xi. Special purpose and dedicated funds
xii. Cash control procedures
xiii. Asset management procedures
xiv. Correspondence
xv. Progress on action plans from prior reviews
Written record of the review findings and action plans are to be entered
into the Society Account Review Results form and signed by the reviewer
and witness. The original of the signed form goes to the Kingdom
Exchequer or Society Exchequer for Kingdom accounts. The report summary
pages may be printed in the branch newsletter. Copies of the signed
review findings go to:
i. Financial Files (account),
ii. Seneschal (account),
iii. Reviewer,
iv. Outgoing exchequer (if applicable)
v. Financial Committee members
The financial records are the property of SCA, Inc. and will be made
available for examination by any member upon reasonable request at a ime
and place agreed upon by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the
requestor. These meetings do not substitute for formal reviews of book.
Further, the Board approved the Northshield, Trimaris, Atenveldt,
Atlantia and Caid Financial Policies as presented.
Investment Committee - Abel Sussman (Abel Brem of Regensfolke)
The Board approved the sale of fractional shares of CAT and updated the
stop loss orders.
Society Chronicler - Susan Carroll-Clark (Nicolaa de Bracton)
Report filed.
Laurel Sovereign of Arms - Lisa Mohr (Elisabeth de Rossignol)
The Board approved the following policy interpretation of the Laurel
Sovereign of Arms:
The following appeared in the cover letter for the October 2006 LoAR-
"The following quote from the Administrative Handbook, V.B.2.f.,
addresses distribution of the Letter of Intent--
"Timely Distribution - All letters must be distributed to all commenting
members of the College of Arms in a timely manner. If a delay in excess
of one week occurs between the completion of a letter and the time it is
mailed, each letter must be appropriately re-dated."
Per the Administrative Handbook VIII.B.8, "Any changes in administrative
rules or procedures must be published in a cover letter to the letter of
acceptances and returns." Therefore, as of the date of publication of
this letter, the phrase 'distributed to all commenting members of the
College of Arms in a timely manner' shall be interpreted to include
distribution via OSCAR. No wording change to the Administrative
Handbook is necessary."
Marshal - Kevin Roderick (Hrothgar Monomakh)
Report filed.
Minister of Arts and Sciences - Tim Jennings (Garraed Galbraith)
Report filed.
Society Chirurgeon - Marcia Schlemm (Katrei Grunenberg)
Ms. Schlemm has begun her tenure as the Society Chirurgeon.
Chief Technology Officer - Scott D. Courtney (Iustinos Tekton called
Report filed.
Grand Council - Daniel Thompson (Roger of Belden Abbey)
Report filed.
Legal Committee - David R. Knudson (Tamlin Lochmaben)
Report filed.
Liaison for International Affairs Applications
Chairman Williams noted that the deadline for applications for this
position was extended until May 31, 2007.
Revocation & Denial of Membership - Vance Van Doren (Pieter van Dooren)
Director Marilee Lloyd recused herself from discussion of or voting on
this issue.
In accordance with the Investigator's recommendation, no further action
is required and this matter is now closed.
Revocation & Denial of Membership - Nancy Van Doren (Nan Astrid)
Director Marilee Lloyd recused herself from discussion of or voting on
this issue.
In accordance with the Investigator's recommendation, no further action
is required and this matter is now closed.
Dawn Offenbecker (Dagrun Stjornufrotha) Appeal Issues
a. Royal Banishment Appeal
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to deny the appeal of banishment from
royal presence of Dawn Offenbecker (Dagrun Stjornufrotha) imposed by
Lucan and Yana, King and Queen of the East Kingdom, on January 27, 2007.
Seconded by Jeff Brown. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Marilee
Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Absent: Hal Simon. Opposed:
none. Motion carried.
b. Society Exchequer Sanctions
Motion by Marilee Lloyd to grant the appeal of sanctions imposed by the
Society Exchequer upon Dawn Offenbecker (Dagrun Stjornufrotha) on
February 27, 2007, and further directs the Society Exchequer to review
the details of the sanction process. Seconded by Gabrielle Underwood.
In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed,
Gabrielle Underwood. Absent: Hal Simon. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Dirk Lancaster (Direk Ivanovich) Appeal
Chairman Jason Williams recused himself from discussion of or voting on
this issue.
At this time Chairman Williams turned the gavel over to Vice-Chairman
Underwood, excused himself and left the meeting.
Motion by Heather English to deny the appeal of Dirk Lancaster (Direk
Ivanovich) of the sanctions imposed by the Board on October 21, 2006.
Seconded by Hal Simon. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Marilee
Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Hal Simon, Recused: Jason Williams. Opposed: none.
Vice-Chairman Underwood exercised her option to vote and did so in favor
of the motion. Motion carried.
Chairman Williams returned to the meeting at this time.
Dawn Williams (Aurora Danielle Trevelayne) Banishment
Motion by Heather English to uphold the banishment from the realm of
Dawn Williams (Aurora Danielle Trevelayne) imposed by Martin and Islay,
King and Queen of Trimaris on February 17, 2007. Seconded by Jeff Brown.
In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed,
Gabrielle Underwood. Absent: Hal Simon. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Joel A. Oppenheimer (Joel the Wanderer) Absolute Banishment
Motion by Shawn Reed to uphold the absolute banishment of Joel A.
Oppenheimer (Joel the Wanderer) imposed by Timmur and Tianna, King and
Queen of Artemisia on February 15, 2007 and further directs the Society
Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible revocation and denial.
Seconded by Heather English. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English,
Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Absent: Hal Simon.
Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of
the motion. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Jeffery Neimeyer (Philippe) Absolute Banishment
Motion by Heather English to uphold the absolute banishment of Jeffery
Neimeyer (Philippe) imposed by Bardolph and Brigh, King and Queen of The
Middle Kingdom on January 6, 2007 and further directs the Society
Seneschal to begin an investigation into possible revocation and denial.
Seconded by Gabrielle Underwood. In favor: Jeff Brown, Heather
English, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle Underwood. Absent: Hal
Simon. Chairman Williams exercised his option to vote and did so in
favor of the motion. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Richard Threlkeld (Caelin an Andre) Admin Sanction and Investigation.
Motion by Gabrielle Underwood to uphold the administrative sanctions
imposed by the Society Seneschal as presented, upon Richard Threlkeld
(Caelin an Andre), on January 7, 2007. Seconded by Jeff Brown. In
favor: Jeff Brown, Heather English, Marilee Lloyd, Shawn Reed, Gabrielle
Underwood. Absent: Hal Simon. Opposed: none. Motion carried.
Ombudsman Assignments
By consensus, Chairman Williams ordered the following Ombudsman
. Hal Simon: President, Executive Assistant, Society Seneschal,
Corporate Office, Legal Committee, Communications
. Jeff Brown: Aethelmearc, East, Financial, Information
Technology, Middle, Northshield,
. Heather English: Artemisia, Atenveldt and Outlands
. Aaron Lloyd: Caid, Heralds, Lochac,
. Marilee Lloyd: Arts and Sciences, Ealdormere, Grand Council,
. Shawn Reed: An Tir, Atlantia, Calontir, Chirurgeon,
. Gabrielle Underwood: Ansteorra, Meridies, Trimaris, Gleann
Abhann, Drachenwald, Board Recruiting, Marshal
Patrick Anderson
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
president at sca.org
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036
You may also email comments at lists.sca.org
or reply to this message.
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Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this
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