[Ponte Alto] Lochmere Baking Guild

Kerri Martinsen kerrimart at mindspring.com
Wed May 9 08:57:54 PDT 2007

Greetings!  (please cross post to local baronies at will)

This is a missive to all those who like to bake or would like to learn.
Thursday, May 17th from 7pm-9:30 (with a break for bedtime) I will be
hosting the first meeting.

Anyone interested in learning the secret (or sharing) for good bread is
welcome to attend.

The Baker's Guild will hold 2 meetings a month:  1 on the 3rd Thursday of
the month (from 7-9:30) to discuss methods and recipes, 1 on the 3rd Sunday
(yes 3 days later) from 1pm-6pm to show a technique (kneading, folding,
blending, general "How do I..."). As May is bread month, on Thursday we will
be discussing flour and how it affects the loaf and on Sunday, we will be
MAKING bread.  Please come to both or either one (I know schedules are a

The Baker's Guild focus will begin with Bread and basic bread making
techniques.  We will then move to sugary blissfulness of desserts.

Come join us at my home!

Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
Kerri Martinsen
1301 Tenbrook Road
Odenton, MD 21113

Directions - Odenton is next to Ft Meade - about 15 min south of BWI.
Mapquest & Yahoo do a good job.  Call for specifics.

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