[Ponte Alto] Fwd: [Moo] Girl Scout Demo on August 20, 2007!

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at cox.net
Fri Jul 27 06:57:42 PDT 2007

I'd love to help!  I can get a sitter for Andrew, but Regan would  
love to participate if that's alright with you.  She's done four or  
five demos with me already and is a great assistant.  Please let me  
know for sure if she can come with me.  (Besides, I think it would be  
good for her to see the Girl Scouts as something to look forward to.)

I will bring my baskets of "medieval artifacts" (all examples, not  
real.) For a "Show and Tell" style or if you prefer I can bring a  
table to set them up on for a "touch and ask" style presentation.   
Since it's only 30 minutes, I can select a few favorites to show and  
have the rest on a table for touching after.  That way I only take up  
five minutes of the presentation.

Sorcha de Glys
Ponte Alto, Atlantia
sorchadeglys at cox.net

On Jul 26, 2007, at 10:26 PM, Ryan Snead wrote:

> Forwarded at the request of the sender.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: kathrynsnead at comcast.net <kathrynsnead at comcast.net>
> Date: Jul 26, 2007 1:15 PM
> Subject: [Moo] Girl Scout Demo on August 20, 2007!
> To: moo at stierbach.org
> Greetings!
> I know that most are feverishly preparing for a good couple of  
> weeks at Pennsic, but I wanted to remind folks of this opportunity  
> to take part in a demo for the Girl Scouts:
> Monday, August 20, 2007
> 9:30 AM (meet at 9:00 AM to get organized)
> Girl Scout Camp Potomac Woods
> Lucketts, Virginia (north of Leesburg)
> We're going to be doing a 20-30 minute show for a group of 300  
> girls as part of the opening ceremonies for a week-long Girl Scout  
> Camp dedicated to the Middle Ages.  We'll be teaching the girls a  
> song in a round, showing them how to reverance (there will be a few  
> boys there too), and hopefully showcasing some fighting and/or  
> juggling.  We still need jugglers and a marshal to make this last  
> part happen.  If not, we'll have to improvise something else fun.  =)
> Let me know if you're interested in participating by e-mailing me  
> at kathrynsnead at comcast.net.  Thanks!
> Ilse Brenner
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