[Ponte Alto] New Autocrat/Event Steward Database/Information

Karen Miller mill3rs at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 23 11:42:33 PDT 2007

Hi Katharine,
Could you set me up for this?  
  Brigid O'Hara (Karen Miller)

Katharine Devereaux <katdevereaux at hotmail.com> wrote:       For those that have already signed up  for this database, you should be active, if not send me an email with your user  name (your SCA name). 
 Anyone else in this barony is welcome to  sign up as well and now that I know I need to approve everyone - I will do  so.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
   From:    Katharine Devereaux 
   To: The Barony of Ponte Alto 
   Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 7:11  PM
   Subject: [Ponte Alto] New Autocrat/Event    Steward Database/Information

   As we have been discussing at the last    few business meetings, as individuals, we each have data/information    about various sites, but its not always in one location for everyone in this    barony to have access to.
   Now we have a centralized location for    the information about various locations, current/upcoming events, pomp and    circumstance, and anything else event related. We also have discussion areas    for additional vendors that we've worked with before for such things as hay    bales, port-a-johns, site management staff, etc. 
http://pontealto.netboardz.com/index.php is    the location of the database/information board and to see the details, you    must be logged in. If you live in, or play with Ponte Alto, please feel free    to sign in and then share your ideas/information with the rest of us Pontoons.    Check it out!
   As usual, let me know if you have any    questions.


   THL Katharine Devereaux
Barony of Ponte Alto
Kingdom of    Atlantia
Baronial Seneschal
Per Saltire Erminois and Pean

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