[Ponte Alto] Leather Scraps: for armor straps, belts, garmets in many colors

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 2 06:12:23 PDT 2007

Hi Abel,
  I want. :) When can I come over? Wednesday good?
  Lady Marie-Therese Normand

Abel Brem of Regnesfolc <abelofregnesfolc at aol.com> wrote:
  In cleaning my closet I found a large bin full of leather scraps. 

Some are thick and generic brown/black good for straps. 

Others are lighter for use in garments, and come in a rainbow of colors: Red, blue, green, gold.

The sizes vary.

If you are interested let me know and you can come over to pick through and take what you want.


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