[Ponte Alto] weird question

Heather Muller aztecdagger at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 3 05:22:03 PST 2007

I live in Beaverdam and I know of some people that have empty wine bottles that they are just dying to give away.  You can get corks at Home Depot or Lowes you just have to know where to look.  If you really want it to look authentic, go with an old pottery jug.  They are out there.  We have a few. Go and look on ebay and amazon.  They can help as well.  I hope this helps.
Lady Heather of LochRaven

egeorges <egeorges at cox.net> wrote: Hey all,

I have a pal who's been doing some homemade wine and wants to bottle his
stuff, but he's unsure how to get wine bottles to put it in since he doesn't
have a stash of empties at home.

So I thought I'd ask all my SCA brewing folks out there -- is there a
supplier out there for clean empty wine bottles?  Even someone with a full
recycle bin who might be willing to part with the empties would be

Thanks in advance.


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