[Ponte Alto] B&B Report - ToLB (long)

mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Tue Feb 27 13:25:48 PST 2007

> A point of precedence (that other hat of mine) - the Order of the Pearl
> now carries with it a Grant of Arms, not an Award of Arms, since the
> orders were elevated on 4/1/03.  And since the GoA is wrapped into that
> Pearl, he was simply inducted into the Order of the Pearl, which
> entitles him to be called Lord Geoffrey Bourette.
> But in short, it's way cool, anyway you look at it, for both Geoffrey
> and Mathilde!

Thank you, to you and MISTRESS Greta!

As yet another point of interest, that Pearl was Geoffrey's first award ever.
He's never even been called up into court before. :-)

Can you tell I'm proud of my hubby?


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