[Ponte Alto] Thank You's from the Stewards of Love and Beauty

Lady Courtney de Houghton courtneydehoughton at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 06:39:37 PST 2007

>From the Event Stewards of the Tournament of Love and

We send thanks to all of the wonderful people who
helped out in innumerable ways.  Let us try to count
them all...

Their Majesties for their August and Inspirational

Their Excellencies of Ponte Alto for their excellent

Their Excellencies of Steirbach for the loan of their
lands, yet again!

Meistr Gruffudd ap Cadfael and his wonderful feast
staff for his incredible feast, yet again! (And his
offer to create next year's as well!)

The squires who served feast so elegantly after a day
of such hard fighting.

Lady Wulfwyn, Lady Branwen Bach, and Dawn West's
delicious and filling efforts in the Luncheon
Fundraiser which raised a healthy contribution to the
Royal Travel Fund for Their Royal Majesties!

Lord Siegfried and the troll staff from Sudentorre who
devoted their day to helping out with event check in. 

The set-up and clean-up crew who had a large site to
manage, and did such an excellent job it garnered us
an invitation to return next year from the caretaker
before we were even done with the feast! Special
thanks to Lord William Kenilworth for this extra
efforts with the list fences!

The marshal and MoL staff who kept the tournaments and
fighters running smoothly.

Special thanks to the waterbearers and CiC staff who
"zamboni'ed" the field to manage the dust!  Vivat!

The gentles in the audience who provided inspiration
to the fighters by bestowing the virtue ribbons upon

The Children's Corner staff who kept the "future of
Atlantia" happily occupied with fun activities in the
heated hall (especially that bouncy castle)!

Lady Celia of Rosedale for processing so many

The A&S staff and judges for handling so many
beautiful entries!

Please forgive us if we have indavertently left anyone
out.  Without efforts from a multitude of sources,
this event would not have been the success it was.

We enjoyed every minute of it and thank everyone who
participated in it and invite you all to come back
next year!


Lady Courtney de Houghton and Lord Connor Sinclair

          Lady Courtney de Houghton 
  Clerk of Law
Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA

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