[Ponte Alto] B&B Report - ToLB (long)

afpopa at cox.net afpopa at cox.net
Tue Feb 27 11:01:39 PST 2007

Greetings unto the fine people of our Barony of Ponte Alto, from Marcellus and Belphoebe.

First and foremost, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to making Tournament of Love and Beauty a resounding success – from those who came on Friday evening to assist with set-up to those who stayed late into the night on Satuday to assist with clean-up.  Grand events such as this would not be possible without the tireless efforts of all those who labor behind the scenes to help others enjoy their time with us.

We were graced with the presence of Their Royal Majesties, Ragnarr and Anneke, His Majesty of Ealdomere, Roak, and many other worthy nobles of our fair Kingdom.  We have heard tons of great comments about how much people attending the event enjoyed themselves.  

A great many members of the Barony were recognized by TRM.  Baroness Greta Klusenare was put on vigil in the morning and elevated to the Order of the Pelican in the evening Royal Court.  Also in evening Royal Court , Lady Millicent Chandler was inducted into the Order of the Pearl; Lady Katherine Deveraux, Lady Branwen Bach, Lord Olaf the Tinkerer, and Lady Wulfwyn Alfwines dohtor were inducted into the Order of the Opal; and Lady Samantha Mc Con, Lord Matthew Dredge, and Lady Talitha of Avalon were raised to the ranks of the nobility and Awarded Arms.  Vivant to all these fine and deserving gentles!

We would like to welcome our new Chronicler, Lady Wulfwyn, our new Webminister, Lord James de Biblesworth, and our new Minister of Minors, Lady Talitha of Avalon.  We look forward to working with all of you during the coming year.  Many thanks you's to their predecessors - Lord Connor Sinclair, Lady Courtney de Houghton, and Lady Cassandra Arabella Giordani - for their fine service to Ponte Alto.

Congratulations to our new Baronial Bard, Lady Talitha, and our new Baronial Artisan, Lord James.  Your talents are a shining example to others in Ponte Alto and beyond.  And thank you to Lady Luce Antony Venus and Lady Millicent Chandler for representing Ponte Alto so well during the past year.

Both the armored and rapier tournaments were very well attended.  Thank you to the marshals, MoLs, and others who helped those doughty warriors enjoy a great day of fighting.  Thank you also to Lady Renata von Hentzau for running the A&S competitions, and congratulations to all the winners.

Last, but not least, kudos are definitely due to our fearless event stewards, Lord Connor Sinclair and Lady Courtney de Houghton, for once again providing us with a memorable event.  We would also welcome both of you into the Order of the Garland.  You have contributed in so many ways to making Ponte Alto the wonderful Barony that it is.  Many thanks are also due to the ever patient Meistr Gruffudd ap Cadfael and his cooking staff for serving an absolutely amazing feast.

Again, we would like to thank all those who contributed to making this such a special event.  It has been an honor to serve as your Baron and Baroness these past three years, and we look forward to enjoying our fourth year with such wonderful people surrounding us.

Yours in Service

Baron Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli and Baronne Belphoebe de Givet

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