[Ponte Alto] Fwd: Please Read! Another Possible Indoor Site For BaronialActivities

mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com mathilde at mathildegirlgenius.com
Sun Dec 23 11:21:27 PST 2007

I can't speak to the financials, nor should I as Ponte is technically not my
Barony, but I have a little experience with the social aspect.

In Nordskogen, a Barony in Northshield, they had/have access to a weekly site
for meetings. "Wednesday Nights" is the regular get together for the Barony.
The first Wednesday of every month is a garbed "folk moot" where they hold
Baronial court. The third Wednesday is always the business meeting. Every week,
rapier practice, dance, "social" practice, and heavy fighting (in the summer)

It's a great way for the Barony to get together on a regular basis. It was a
wonderful way for a newcomer to get to know the group. The only downside is
that people who don't go to Wednesday nights are sometimes viewed as

I hope something works out,

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