[Ponte Alto] Maryland Sheep and Wool festival.

R B catch_the_dragon at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 08:52:22 PDT 2007

Greetings all!

A chance conversation at armoring night at Jurgen's
led to a discussion of weaving.  To weave it is often
helpful to have yarn and this led me to remember that
the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival is this time of

(More specifically the 5th and 6th at the Howard
County Fairgrounds.)


Though not a period event in past years it has been an
excellent place to find wool, wool hats, wool clothes,
angora (sometimes still on the goat/rabbit), cashmere,
raw silk, dye products, spinning wheels, drop
spindles, looms, books, and some delicious mutton. 
And of course, yarn!

I plan on going on the 6th and spending the day there.
 If anyone would like to carpool or request that I
look for something sheep-related my cell phone number
is 301-524-7684 and I would be happy to oblige!



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