[Ponte Alto] A plea for Pennsic

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Thu Oct 26 08:55:20 PDT 2006

Greetings unto the noble populace of Ponte Alto!

As a citizen of our Barony, and someone who has been involved in the Pennsic
Baronial Encampment for several years running now, please indulge me as I
make a heartfelt plea:

The Baronial Encampment at Pennsic has benefited greatly from the commitment
of individuals like Peronelle La Pienture and Miles de Locwode.  However,
due to other commitments, neither of these individuals (nor myself) will be
available to run the Baronial Encampment at Pennsic this year.  If we as a
Barony are going to have a Baronial Encampment, someone needs to step
forward and take on this job.

Why does it matter that we have a Baronial Encampment?  Having a home for
the Barony at Pennsic has been an important part of our growth as a Barony
these last 5 years.  Many of our veteran players camp with households, so
having a Baronial Encampment has provided a much-needed place for newcomers
and others who may not play in a household to camp.  But more importantly,
it has provided a venue to bring the Barony together at Pennsic -- both as a
muster point for our troops and for Baronial Court but also for social
gatherings like our Baronial Open House.  

Pennsic is a place where friendships are cemented and people grow in their
wonder and love for what the SCA has to offer.  I submit to you that having
a place for the Barony to congregate at Pennsic is a critical part of the
reason that our Barony has grown to the where we are now -- populous,
prosperous, and a place in which it is a joy to play. I, for one, would hate
to see us lose such a critical component of our success because no one would
rise to the task of keeping the encampment running.

Although running the encampment is by no means easy, there are a number of
tools available (and a wealth of guidance) from previous landocrats.  This
job does not require a rocket scientist or a miracle worker.  What it
requires is someone who has a heart for the job, who understands the
importance of this event to our Barony, and is willing to take on the

I urge you if you think you may have a heart for this position to please
contact our Baronial Seneschal (seneschal at pontealto.atlantia.sca.org) to
indicate your interest.

In Service
Luce Antony Venus

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