[Ponte Alto] Fighter Night at Marie-Therese home...

Mary Bowles mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
Tue May 16 06:20:56 PDT 2006

Hello Fighters,
  Tonight is designated armor night at my house. :) I will be working on developing and upgrading (a constant battle) armor. This includes making weapons, digging out armor bits and cleaning up bits to be designated for use in the unit/army. Anyone interested in doing the same, feel free to drop by tonight as I throw together new kits. The more hands the merrier.
  Lady Marie-Therese Normand
  9220 Cardinal Forest Ln #G
  Lorton, VA 22079
  mariatheresapontoon at yahoo.com
  PS-e-mail or call if you intend to make tonights practice. I will be throwing together dinner for anyone who decides to come and will need to know numbers. :) Thank you.

Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
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