[Ponte Alto] KASF Report

kimjordan at adelphia.net kimjordan at adelphia.net
Mon Mar 6 14:05:04 PST 2006

What our award-winning Baroness failed to mention was her own success in the performance competition, winning the vocal soloist category!  I may have won the category for jesters, jugglers and fools, but she actually had competition in her category.  :)

So vivats for Her Excellency, Belphoebe!


---- Belphoebe <belfebe at yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Greetings Pontoons!
> Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival was a lot of fun,
> and it was wonderful to see many of you either showing
> your work, performing, or simply supporting your
> fellow Pontoons and having a good time.
> In that regard, it was a banner day for Ponte Alto. 
> Our own Lady Cassandra was inducted into the Order of
> the Golden Dolphin, Katarina von Bayern is now Lady
> Katarina as she was awarded arms, and Lady Millicent
> Chandler was inducted into the Order of the Coral
> Branch.  
> But wait!  There's more!  Lady Cassandra also won the
> performing competition for her juggling, and the Ponte
> Alto performers put up a terrific show.
> Oh, and Lady Hroswitha Von Celle -- a former Pontoon
> but very close to our hearts -- was also inducted into
> the Order of the Opal.
> Vivant for all our artistic Pontoons!  You make us
> proud!
> Yours in Service,
> Belphoebe

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