[Ponte Alto] St. Paddy's Day Bloodbath --- Thank you !

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Sun Mar 12 07:48:29 PST 2006

      On behalf, of the autocrat of St Paddy's Day Bloodbath, Sir Thomas, I 
write  this missive to say thank you.  Thank you to those 300+ people who 
trolled  through the event yesterday to make this St Paddy's Day Bloodbath, 
successful and memorable.  
     We don't  know where to begin with the thank yous, so first we turn to 
those on  this e-mail list and say thank you to everyone.  Anytime there was a 
plea  for help, many of you stepped forward to assist with the event.  We  
thank Duke Paul for attending Bloodbath and teaching classes to the  heavy 
fighters.  We thank mother nature for being very cooperative  yesterday.  Next we 
would like to thank those who headed key  roles at the event, and their staff:
    *   Anne le Settere - Who traveled up  from Isenfir to be in charge of 
water bearing.  The  water bearing staff worked hard  on this sunny day, to make 
sure everyone had enough water   
    *   Dexter Guptill - From Stierbach to  be the event's Chirurgeon in 
Charge. His staff worked hard  especially with the high volume of people who 
attended the event.    
    *   Catalina dell'Acqua  - She was  the Rapier Marshal in charge and the 
rapier fighters seemed to be enjoying  themselves immensely on the field  
    *   Gisele l'Orpheline, as she was in  charge youth combat program 
yesterday where there a lot of interest  among the spectators.   
    *   Marsali  Johnston of  Lockwood Moss -the baronial chatelaine where 
her staff had over  60+ people sign out loaner garb during the day  
    *   Delphina the Mad for  being MoL in charge.  This was a record number 
of  fighters at the event, and her staff did a fantastic job    
    *   Anne of Carthew who was in charge of  meet-n-greet and answering 
questions from the spectators.  We printed  over 200+ green flyers which had 
information about the SCA to be handed out at  the event.  Her staff had to go out 
and run off  more copies as the spectators just kept coming in to the park.  
Her staff  was awesome as they continued to answer questions about the what was 
 going on in the park and the SCA.      
    *   Marshal staff did a great job with the  record turnout of fighters 
for this event  
    *   Chantel and her staff were in  charge of security at the event.  They 
did a great job patrolling  the site and parking lots   
    *   Katharina von Bayern the baronial  chamberlain, as she made last 
minute trips to the baronial storage  unit for extra items to be used at the event 
    *   Robert of Calais and Elspet Byndelase  - These two gentles were in 
charge of troll.  Robert and  Elspet, who say they have never headed troll 
before, thank  you-thank you-thank you for undertaking this task.  The record  
number of people at the event were proof  on how hard your staff worked yesterday. 
    *   Thomas was in marshal in  charge of the heavy fighters where we had 
54 fighters in attendance and  everyone seemed to have a great time 
    *   Lady Branwen Bach for cooking the beef  stew and apple/pear cobbler 
yesterday.  She jumped right in and was  such a huge help when I realized that 
attendance could be higher  than ever at the event.   
    *   If I have left anyone out to say  thank-you, I do apologize for this 
error on my part
We would like to thank our neighbors  from Storvik and Stierbach for their 
assistance through out  the day in lending a hand and helping out at  our 
"little event".  And we would like  to thank the Canton of Suddentorre, for they 
were the first arrive and last to leave  the event yesterday, as they were 
constantly on the move with assisting at the  event.  
As you can see there were so many  people  to thank for yesterday's success 
at Bloodbath, so in close we say "thank you" to  everyone for your support.
In service to Crown and  Kingdom
Thomas and Denise
PS  Don't forget Ponte Alto hosts a Northern Regional War Practice  and we 
hope many of you will be able to stop by Tysons-Pimmit Park in Falls  Church 
today (Sunday March 12th) as Duke Paul is in attendance.  Thomas has  already 
left for the practice, so things seem to be underway in Falls  Church as I write. 

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